
Narrated By Abu Musa : " Whose Islam is the best?" i.e (Who is a very good Muslim) He replied, " One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands." │ Narrated By Ibn Mas'ud : The Prophet Sallahualaihiwassalam used to take care of us in preaching by selecting a suitable time, so that we might not get bored. (He abstained from pestering us with sermons and knowledge all the time) │ Narrated By 'Abdullah Bin Umar : Allah's Apostle said " Allah will not look at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit." │ Narrated By Abu Huraira : The Prophet said " A women is married for four things, i.e her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be a losers. May Allah bless us always :)

Tuesday 9 April 2013

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Assalamualaikum, whazzup readers, bloggers..how is it going? :)

Alhamdulillah for today, so.. I'm gonna share some stories on me that happened couple days ago. Yah,it's quit funny and totally shame, Allah knows better ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶

"Hari Keusahawanan & Sukan Kolej Kediaman Politeknik Merlimau Melaka,Disember 2012 (5-7 April 2013)"

This is the day, so..on the last day I'm wearing my favourite purple jubah, maybe niat asal tidak elok, sebab itulah di dalam hadis yang pertama di katakan :

Semasa bersiap-siap untuk keluar menjadi kebiasaan untuk bertanya pada diri, talk to myself…berhias nie untuk siapa? Betul tak caranya? Tabarruj (berlebih-lebihan)?  sambil belek2 kat cermin

“ Semoga Allah melindungiku selalu dari segala fitnah dan maksiat yang berleluasa di dunia…”

Terlambat sedikit untuk majlis penutupan, apa-apa pun tahniah kepada semua jawatankuasa Politeknik Merlimau Melaka yang bekerjasama menjayakan program selama 3 hari. (JPKK : Jawatankuasa Pelajar Kolej Kediaman, JPP : Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Pelajar, SPI : Sekreteriat Pusat Islam, PRSP : Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya)

Selepas tamat program, me and dear usrahmate (Fatma) got a called from our sisters (Kak Shidah). She wanted Fatma to picked her at Pekan Merlimau so we have to find a motorcycle before 1 pm (it’s 12.50) cuak dah, motor siapa nak cekau. But, Alhamdulillah, after pushing all the numbers on my phones (more than 1 phone) so finally we found one. That time we have to take a key from 1 adik nie sebab nak ambil topi keledar dalam bilik jadi naiklah motor tersebut. And that time, my jubah is soooo long actually, bila berjalan pun macam orang sakit kaki sebab terpijak-pijak kain yang meleret tue..huh! >.<’ Fatma yang bawa dan mak cik yang duk belakang kononnya nak jaga jubah so duduklah bertimpuh (auuww…menyampah).

When it cames 6 second on the ride I said “Maa..stop, stop!” We got panicked, my jubah was roll on with the chain. MasyaAllah. I’m very sure we will collapsed macam nangka bushukk if the bike won’t stop. We keep try to take out the jubah and it was so disaster, too mess up. Dengan izin Allah, kebetulan ada adik tue (orang panggil Panjang sebab memang tinggi seyhh..) dia tolong keluarkan jubah yang terbelit tue, selepas beberapa kali pusing depan belakang Alhamdulillah, berjaya kami tubik jubah tersebut dari kekusutan, huhu..sedihnya sebab koyak sana-sini, Terima kasih Allah, Panjang dan sesiapa yang melihat kejadian tersebut. (alunyerr itew…>.<’’)

Another story when I was looking a phone at this shop (nama dirahsiakan) in Melaka Sentral. My other phone was crush again, my little Danny likes to flip it up and down (coz it’s slide phone), ok baby no more after this >.<’’ So, I just asked the sales assistant about the phone (walaupun tahu…terlebih peramah). Actually something happened before it but I don’t wanna shared it, Allah bless her always. So, before I left I said “ Ok kak, tanya je dulu. Terima kasih banyak, InsyaAllah kalau ok saya datang lagi. Dengan selamba cucur badak dia pun menjawab “Tanya je..? Hah! Ok” (sambil mulut mengunyah)

Bapak ah..sentap, huhu..so, I go to other shop which is so near with the first shop and this not Malay, I’m sure you know who. I called it ‘C Shop’. I asked the same phone just now and he explained to me, kindly and generously (wahh..promote). Then I left with a smile to find any others shop but my heart said ‘there’s no other shop, just go with the shop (NOT THE FIRST SHOP). So I came back to the ‘C Shop’ and he was surprised when suddenly he saw myself. (dak nie kejap ada,kejap blah..macam hantoo) I said I want that phone (macam beli goreng pisang je..). Before I left again I said “thank you very much, we’ll see soon” and he said “ok, welcome..papai”

See, truly a two different situation. There’s no use to get show off for what you have coz it’s not yours. Apa yang kita ada hanya milik Allah. Bila-bila masa je Allah cakap bak balik, hang tak boleh buat apa dah..

So peoples, sama-samalah kita merendahkan diri kepada Allah Azzawajalla (yg rendah ketinggian nie jangan terasa ya J ) What you give, insyaAllah you get back, nak dapat yang baik, kenalah jadi yang baik dahulu. Till then, we’ll see next time, insyaAllah.

Waahh..Ramadhan lagi 90 hari? Tu..check out my Ramadhan calendar on your left side. Dah menggantikan puasa2 yang tertinggal? Jom kita mula sekarang !

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